My experience at amFOSS

On July 8th 2019, fortunately or unfortunately, I joined Amrita School of Engineering, to pursue my Bachelor's in Computer Science Engineering. A leading open-source student community called FOSS has their group at Amrita University too, and I decided to sign up for it. We were made to do a total of 15 technical tasks based on which we were accepted into the club. [Check it out] Based on our tasks, we were called for interviews with the already existing members who examined our tasks and motive behind joining the club.

amFOSS, a student-run community with over 50+ members from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri. At amFOSS, seniors guide juniors on their way in the club. It is a learning and development partnership between someone with vast experience and someone who wants to learn.

Upon joining amFOSS and doing the various tasks, I learned many new things which I believe wouldn't have been possible by me otherwise. I learned how to use version control (Git), read and understand large codebase and much more. Not only did amFOSS help my technical growth, but also taught me community ettiquette, gave me exposure to work environment and also introduced me to some of the most helpful seniors I've ever met! I was also able to take part in FOSS talks which is an event in the club where members make a speech, on a topic they chose, to the other members of the club. We also, had a FOSS-bi0s night, where students of FOSS club and team bi0s showcase their cultural skills

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